6 research outputs found

    Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Noticing and Wondering: An Equity-Inducing yet Accessible Teaching Practice

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    Noticing and Wondering is a promising practice with an emerging research base in mathematics education for helping move teachers to a more contemporary paradigm of learning where culturally and linguistically diverse students have more equitable opportunities for academic success. This paper documents and extends this emerging research of Noticing and Wondering to fill a gap in the literature by (1) conceptualizing six reasons for the value of Noticing and Wondering and (2) discussing its potential to support English learners, such as by providing teachers easy access to students’ cultural assets. We document application of Noticing and Wondering beyond mathematics and conclude with a call for empirical research and practice in this direction

    Amor por la tierra y la lengua: Concaminando con docentes en territorio mexicano indígena

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    The four co-authors, university professors with indigenous and gringa descent, point out that we live in a historical moment in which we need to recognize indigenous knowledge and share it if we want to live together and survive the climatic and social difficulties we live. We reflect on a program that we co-design with having brought 10 teachers from the United States to Mexican indigenous lands. Highlight the concept we theorize here, the concaminar - which is to be able to accompany, both physically and metaphorically - towards indigenous knowledge. In spite of the challenges that we live, we do recognize the value of the interdependence of the experience that we live together until we declare that we see even more necessary the objective of concaminating in education processes.Los cuatro co-autores, profesores universitarios con descendencia indígena y gringa, señalamos que vivimos un momento histórico en el cual necesitamos reconocer el conocimiento indígena y compartirla si queremos convivir y sobrevivir las dificultades climáticas y sociales que vivimos. Reflexionamos sobre un programa que co-diseñamos con haber traído 10 maestros de los Estados Unidos a tierras indígenas mexicanas. Resalta el concepto que teorizamos aquí, el concaminar—que es poder acompañar, tanto físicamente como metafóricamente—hacia el conocimiento indígena. A pesar de los retos que vivimos, sí logramos reconocer el valor de la interdependencia de la experiencia que convivimos hasta declarar que vemos aún más necesario el objetivo de concaminar en procesos de la educación